michelle rykojc michelle rykojc

‘Uncle Tom’: A Quiet Earthquake

Albert Einstein once said that if he had an hour to solve a problem, he’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem, and five thinking about the solution. The “race problem” in America is pretzeled into such a Gordian knot because we’ve spent decades thinking up solutions to a problem that no longer exists. And it’s not working.

Black oppression is dead in America. The good guys won.

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michelle rykojc michelle rykojc

A must-see movie for all Americans!

Wow! What an insightful and powerful movie! A must-see for all Americans!

The movie features a host of prominent people via news clips, including Denzel Washington, John Legend, Trevor Noah, Kanye West, former president Barack Obama and Jay-Z.

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michelle rykojc michelle rykojc

‘Uncle Tom’ Film Allows People To Hear From Black Americans Freed From The Democrats’ Playbook

“Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative,” wallows in victimhood for all of a minute.

Yes, we hear a crush of black voices describe being called you know what in the film’s opening moments, some of it framed in near comic fashion. Actvisit and YouTube star Candace Owens giggles at the notion she’s a “Black White Supremacist,” as some of her critics allege.

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